Why do we need a make over, particularly for the ladies?
Simply because it changes your appearance be it small or big, be it recognizable or just a sense of you being 'perasaan' that the verdict turns you to the once beautiful ugly duckling.
Been weeks I wanted to trim my eyebrow which I am really incapable of doing it on my own. Never tried. Ortherwise it turns me to be the ugliest person in this world. Went to 1B with hubby few days back and headed to Empro counter for eyebrow plucking. Only cost RM10. Worth the value- I got nicer eyebrow. Well groom. The eye pencil only cost RM38.9o. Easy to use, hassle free. No need to pay for the trimming if we buy the eye pencil. Even amatur can use it easily. Head one for it now..
Be Still My Heart MKAL
1 week ago