I’ve been stressful lately. Reason- unsure. More than my shoulder can carry. However, I try to view thinks positively. Nanti cepat tua boi… tidak mau la nanti kena tinggal hehehehe…I think no one never venture into the world of stress. A little bit of stress is a good thing. It keeps us moving and improves ourselves. It keeps us on our toes and busy pursuing our dreams. However, our bodies were never designed to handle the formidable amount of stress we face in today’s complicated world. Unless we deal with it wisely, it will rob us of our health and our happiness. Worst, kena hantar pi Bukit Padang.. ;-). Apa lagi sigu-sigu yang top ranking dalam list pengunjung istimewa Bukit Padang tu. Jaga-jaga kawan-kawan sigu sumua.
Hence, beat stress! “God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the times come.” Matthew 6:34. This is really true of myself. Whenever I’m in trouble I pray to God and ask for His guidance and so true I am never been disappointed. NEVER! I am so happy that He is always there for me no matter how sinful I am. Well, back to stress… there are other ways to beat our stressors. If you are worried about your future, put tomorrow in God’s hand and do what you can today is the best way to wipe out worry for today has enough peculiar things to handle. My most useful advice, be near to God. “Let us be near to God… in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience”. Hebrews 10:22. Another way that is also proven not only to cast away stress but also to beat wrinkles ;-) is to laugh, giggle, chortle and snort hehehehe… so dudes, what are waiting for... buat la apa saya sakap tu.
Be Still My Heart MKAL
1 week ago
(^_^) rilek2 dlu kita,,jom makn eskrim,, hehe
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