I always love jokes… Can’t live without it even a day. I think something wrong with me if I didn’t laugh even once a day. The saying ‘Laughter, the best medicine’ is indeed true for me. If none is accompanying me I would rather sit down and read on jokes and laugh all alone. Those who knows me definitely knows how much I laugh… here are some beneficial jokes to share.
*A bachelor asked the computer to find him the perfect mate: ‘I want a companion who is small and cute, loves water sports and enjoys group activities.”
Back came the answer: “Marry a penguin”.
*At the perfume counter, a customer picked up one bottle and gingerly sniffed its fragrance, ‘surrender’ is our hottest item,” interjected the salesclerk. “Would you like to purchase some?”
“It’s nice,” she replied. “But do you have anything called ‘Negotiate’?”
*The great novelist had gone mad, but now there seemed to be some hope for his recovery. For six months, he had been sitting at his typewriter pounding out a novel. Finally he pronounced it completed and brought the book to his psychiatrist, who eagerly began reading it aloud:
“General Jackson leaped upon his faithful horse and yelled, ‘Giddyap, giddyap,giddyap,giddyap….’” The doctor thumbed through the rest of the manuscript. “There’s nothing here but 500 pages of giddyaps!” he exclaimed.
“Stubborn horse,” explained the writer.
p/s jokes adapted from various sources…. Enjoy…
Be Still My Heart MKAL
1 week ago
hahaha..penguin..negotiate?..giddyapppppppsssss (^_^)
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